2023 had some seriously surprising things in store for me! Then 2024 rolled in and there was even more! I took a well deserved break right after new years.
So to back up a little… my fall and winter ‘23 were jam packed with commissions which were a delight and a surprise once I got past the “ mental challenge” that a commission piece hands me. I know some of you fellow artists can relate!
I accepted the challenge and dug in! I did FIVE larger pieces in about three months!
Then ..In late Jan/ early Feb I relocated back to Kansas City where many of you know I lived from 2011-2020! SUPRISE!
It feels a bit like coming full circle but I’m ready for it ! I’m very comfortable in Kansas City with friends, connections, colleagues and people that feel like family.
I have so many ideas and projects in my mind and already rolling along so it’s promising to be very exciting . It won’t be long before I roll out in-person workshop dates, learning and mentoring opportunities for you guys and much more!
I’ve also been obsessed for the last few months with all of the amazing artists that are posting so many amazing YouTube videos! It’s creative food for my soul and I encourage you to look that direction for some really creative fodder!
For now I’m going to just get busy, show up, and pour my heart into my studio time!
Thanks for stopping by!